Passport Photo, Max. 2MB (required)

    Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Email (required)

    Mobile number (required)

    Home number

    Work number

    Postal Address (required)

    Home Address (required)

    ID/Passport number (required)

    Date of Birth (required)

    Membership Type (required)

    Please complete one of the following two sections:

    Section 1:

    I have attended the following official meets of the Eastern Province Section :

    (Meet descriptions, Date, Leader's name)

    1. Meet Description:


    2. Meet Description:


    3. Meet Description:


    Proposer (full name)


    Seconder (full name)


    Section 2:

    I submit my motivation to join the club :

    (A motivation describing yourself as an active and responsible mountain user, explaining why they feel they fit in with the ethos of the MCSA)

    1. Motivation

    2. Testimonial from Proposer

    Terms and Conditions

    Have you ever been or are you a member of any other Section?

    Have you ever been refused membership of any other Section?

    Are you prepared to participate in rescue work?

    I agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the Section

    Date (required)

    Signature (required, sign in the rectangle below)

    [signature* signature-applicant cols:300 rows:200 color:Black background:Yellow]

    Proposer and/or Seconder should be Honorary, Full or Life members of more than 2 years standing. Typically they are the hike leaders of the hikes you have attended.