Why should I become a member?

As a member you will benefit from our shared resources, the experience and knowledge of our leaders, access to restricted mountain areas, an organisation that boasts 125 years of experience, affiliation to the UIAA and reciprocal rights with other mountain clubs around the world.

Our club enjoys special discount rates at outdoor stores such as Cape Union Mart and Outdoor Warehouse (membership card is required).

Access to our section’s properties as well as other sections’.

The opportunity to be part of exciting International expeditions.

And being a part of an organisation that cares deeply for our country’s natural resources and beauty – an organisation that explores every kloof and every mountain of South Africa and those beyond.

How much will it cost?

Subscriptions are paid annually. Subscription amounts vary per membership type. To determine which membership type you qualify for please see our club constitution.

Membership Type Annual Subscription
Full Member R 525.00
Combined Full Member R 778.00
Family Full Membership R 800.00
Country Member R 365.00
Combined Country Member R 520.00
Student Member R 260.00
Junior R 150.00
Retired Full Member R 340.00
Retired Combined Full Member R 500.00

How to become a member?

Prospective members shall participate in at least 3 official meets of the Section to 3 different places (official meets shall be meets that are on the meet sheet or officially announced meets) prior to submitting an application for membership.

Alternatively, prospective members may submit a motivation describing them self as an active and responsible mountain user, explaining why they feel they fit in with the ethos of the MCSA, and accompanied by a testimonial from a Club member of no less than 2 years standing.